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Tobacco Golden Virginia Cigarette

Tobacco Golden Virginia Cigarette

R 48.00




Golden Virginia tobacco grows in to 2 meter high plants with large leaves. Tobacco plants are really ornamental. Grow tobacco for tobacco use or to make organic pest control mixtures. Remember if you store tobacco mixtures mark bottles as poisonous.

Golden Virginia tobacco is a cigarette type of tobacco and we advise home growers to also grow type tobacco at the same time since pipe tobacco is easier to cure. 


Tobacco seeds are very fine and must be germinated and grown initially in seed trays by covering lightly and keeping moist. Germination can take up to 21 days. Initially the plants start of very small, however with the correct care they very quickly grow into very large strong plants.

 We have a great germination mix for our tobacco seed, click here to read more on this 





Approximately 100 seeds



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