Fava Sweet Lorane Bean
Sweet Lorane fava beans has been developed by esteemed plant breeder Stave Solamon of the Territorial Seed Company whom named it after his Farm “Lorane”. The smallest known fava bean and sweeter than most. Sweet Lorane fava bean is good for using fresh but make exceptional dry beans for storage.
The sweet Lorane fava bean takes a bit longer to grow than other fava bean seed we supply but it is worth the wait.
Fava Beans grows during winter and apart from being used in cooking, especially as an addition to stews, improves your soil like no other legume!. The amount of nitrogen that Fava Beans puts in your soil is extremely high. When you do a follow up planting in soil where fava beans has grown you do not have to add anything for the plants. Fava beans produce enough nitrogen to satisfy even the heaviest of feeders like corn and cabage. Do not pull fava bean plants from the soil. Chop them to keep the roots, around which the nitrogen forms, in tact.
Fava Beans don’t need staking. Plants can reach up to 1.2 meters.
Approximately 25 seeds
Click to read more on Growing Beans