Lumbricus Germination Mix
Lumbricus worm casting germination mix is the Rolls Royce of germination mixes. Made with extreme care by our good friend Jamie de Jong, we have been using this mix for seed germination for many years and am very glad we can finally share this remarkable product with our clients.
Apart from the various nutrients contained in the germination mix, the structure is of such a nature that even very fine seed germinate easy since it will not wash out easily.
6dm packs is good for 4 to 5 standard seed trays. It can be used as is or stretched a bit by mixing with extra sand and/or soil.
Note that the weight and volume of seedling mixes does not have an impact on our standard delivery costs when you buy one bag, however 2 adds R10 rand to the delivery fee and thereafter R10 extra for every extra bag.