Anaheim Chilli
The application of Anaheim Chillies in cooking is endless. Flavour is sweet to mild and really comes to the fore when baked, grilled or pan fried. Scoville units range between 500 and 2500. It makes a great stuffing chilli and pairs very well with cheese. Some people believe these are best cooked by fire grilling until the skin is charred and then removing the skin. Its better to eat when still green, since the fruits loose a lot of moisture when they start to turn red/brownish.
Plants are very easy to grow and yields quick. Medium sized plants will give you fruits that will get longer than 20 cm’s.
Anaheim can be traced back more than a century and was developed by a pioneering horticulturist, Dr Fabian Garcia at the New Mexico State University as part of a range, commonly referred to as NuMex chillies nowadays.
Anaheim chilli peppers are also known by the following names: Calafornia Chilli or Magdalena
Approximately 20 Seeds
Click to read more on Growing Chillies & Peppers